Daily Prompt: Obsessed

I have not responded to a daily prompt before. It thought I’d give it a try. I hope you enjoy.

The very definition of obsessed describes my journey greatly.  My thoughts are preoccupied with my book persistently. The characters, the story and my desire to create both. When I’m not thinking about my story I’m working on it. Editing, revising and writing.

My book consumes me and it should, it’s mine and I created it. Does that mean it has taken over my life? No, but it is a major part of it. My life is where I draw inspiration, it must go on for my stories to continue. All things in moderation. I don’t believe being obsessed has to be a bad thing or a negative force in my life. I can be obsessed with something and still function normally for everything else.

Being obsessed is how amazing things are accomplished. From fine works of art to a beautifully landscaped garden, obsession in one form or another helped sculpt an idea into reality.

In a perfect world, I would see everyone obsessed with my book, the story, the concept, the characters. I want everyone to meet them and love them as I do. To enjoy their story and adventure and live vicariously through their efforts and achievements.

As I continue my unexpected adventure I will share what I have learned along the way and what is yet to come.



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