There is so much more

Writing is definitely something that consumes me. I love it, every aspect of it. For me putting words to pager (or screen) is exciting, fun and I can’t get enough.

There is so much more to writing than just putting words down. There is plot, characters, story arcs, scenes, grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, chapter structure and more to consider. There are the nuances to story telling such as how to describe even ordinary things or people, how to move the story along, bring in characters and show the reader their stories.

It can be overwhelming if you look at it all at once. There is so much to do, to think about and consider. I say bah! Just write. Use what tools and rules work best for you. I do. Then I go back and apply the rest. Such as: show don’t tell, filter word removal and more. I don’t look at the editing or revising as work, it’s a part of it. A chance for me to fine tune and perfect what I’ve written. I never make the mistake of fooling myself in believing what I wrote is perfect. There is always room for improvement.

I started this blog as a means to share what I’ve learned. In writing, editing, querying and the pursuit of being published. I also started this blog to strengthen my platform. Along the way I have met amazing and talented people who not only support my efforts, but put out amazing blog’s of their own. I am continuously learning and enjoy sharing. More importantly, I appreciate all my readers and the comments that are left for me.

I have learned to stretch my writing muscles and be open to ideas and methods I’ve never tried before. To attempt stories in different perspectives and view points. I have fun writing my blog examples and accidentally got a book out of it. It’s very important that I keep reading other people’s work published or not. For me it’s a way to see and understand how other people think. What they like and want.

My imagination is only limited by myself. One thing I’ve learned to do is to see and ‘feel out’ alternate options to a story arc. Be it major or minor. The options are endless and sometimes, the unexpected one boosts the story.

I have learned to never give up. To look forward and dare to dream. That hard work and persistance will get you to the next step.

So thank you to all that read my blog, thank you to all that leave comments and to all that write fantastic blogs for me to visit and enjoy.

My advice about writing.
Write what makes you happy. Don’t strive to write what other people are writing. Write for yourself and most importantly, write how you want to. If you like it, someone else is bound to. 


Some of my favourite posts I’ve written.

That is disgusting

Isn’t it romantic?

Roller-coaster Conversations

Copyright © 2017 All rights reserved


17 thoughts on “There is so much more

  1. I wouldn’t miss your blog for worlds! I enjoy it, I love you. You bravely put yourself out there day after day, whether on a blog or in your writing, and it shows your able to be vulnerable – something many can’t do. That’s what a writer is in the final analysis completely vulnerable (in thought, idea, belief, writing, testing the waters, sharing, humour, all that comprise a writer) and above all brave. Very brave and you are!

    Liked by 1 person

        • Time has been a bump in the road for me of late. I had a stomach bug for a few days so wasn’t really up to reading or writing too much. Feeling better now, so once I catch up on some sleep, I can get back to it all.


          • I’m sorry to hear that, Sheryl. I had the flue for 2 weeks, it went back and forth and drained me completely, so I know how you feel. Not to mention your working too so that makes it rougher I’m sure. Really glad to hear your better now. Please take care of yourself, that’s uppermost of importance! There’s only one you, and your important to many of us.

            Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Independent Clauses depend on nobody. | I wrote a book. Now what?

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