Distracted By Distraction

Time is always an issue for me. Finding it to write and really get into it. Somedays I can plug along and find the simple errors others I can dig in and really get to the meat of some problems.

I’m in the middle of BiaAtlas re-write and it’s going well. My word count is coming down slowly but steadily.

When I’m writing there are several things that can cause me to become distracted or lose focus. Not all of them are bad and often they can be a reminder to take a well needed or deserved break.

Other people – It’s important to remember there are real living people in the world 😉
The weather
My own thoughts – yes this is a real problem sometimes
Other projects (I have a new storyline I’m in the beginning stages of plotting)
Sleepy or tired – sometimes it’s just hard to stay focused on anything.
Work – this one is a necessity… but still…
Cleaning or chores

There are other distractions that I don’t have time for and have suffered for it such as video games and Facebook. The bottom line is there will always be distractions and I don’t freak out about them. I’ve talked about this before but I think if I’m being distracted there might be a reason for it.

The funniest distraction is the distraction by distraction. When I’m distracted simply by thinking about being distracted.

When I sit and start to work on editing my book it can be overwhelming. I’ve been through it countless times, I’m probably missing things right in front of me because I’ve been through it countless times. I have a plan for that and I’ll dive into that plan in a later post once I’ve done enough research to explain it properly.

For now, it’s one objective at a time seek out and destroy superfluous text and simplify. I’m on the hunt for repetition of ideas, phrases, comments, actions, descriptions, and anything I’ve mentioned more than once.

I will keep at it and keep my self-inflicted symphony of distractions to a minimum while addressing the important ones, the ones that tell me I need a real break. After all, a distraction is only a distraction if we need to be distracted.

My advice about distractions
Don’t ignore that you’re being distracted and figure out why it’s happening. Maybe take a break or do something random to reset your attention. Distractions are not always a bad thing.


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Squirrelly concentration at best

More is less, and vice versa.

My Posts From The Start

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17 thoughts on “Distracted By Distraction

  1. It is true!!!! I’ve been unwilling to go full out since getting a database that is actually stable. I’ve allowed myself to be distracted by many things, willingly. It does rev up the thought process when you don’t dwell on parts of the process or the creation itself. Sometimes we aren’t even aware we need a distraction in order to get the thought process back on track. Awesome write Sheryl. It matters!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Distractions… AGREED, we know they are there and sometimes moving to a new environment takes care of that, i.e. the library, a coffee shop, the park by the Lake, etc. At least we acknowledge it is happening, NOW to get down to business. 🙂 Good post! Glad it is not “just me.”

    Liked by 1 person

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