I don’t know how to do that

Research is mandatory. For any and everything. Not just to learn something new, but to brush up on something once learned.

There is temptation to research the crap out of something, get excited than brow beat the reader with all that glorious knowledge. I try to avoid this. I’ve been told that about 90% of what you learn on any particular subject won’t or shouldn’t make it into the book. Now I’m not talking about the main subject matter. Like if the book is about motorcycles, then sure there should be more than 10% on the machines.

What I’m talking about are the things or nuances in a book that make it real and interesting.  Do I know how to fly a plane? Nope, but with a bit of research I could have someone in my book be a pilot with just enough information to make it believable. Because I’m not a pilot nor do I know any personally I would keep that as a minor character trait. Maybe even a hobby. Elude to it, maybe use flying a plane as part of the story. But if I learn all there is to know, then proceed to attempt to educate the readers on what each button and gauge does, it wont go well.  I can practically hear the covers being slammed shut just thinking about it.

For me there are my main reasons to research

Learn something new

How to fly a plane or what do people who fly planes do? videos, texts, other stories. Everyone does this type of research
What does the interior of the penthouse suite look like at a hotel? Most hotels have virtual tours or numerous images online to work off of.
What does a one room apartment look like in an apartment? I’d look up rentals and go for a virtual tour.
Google maps is my favorite tool for getting a peek at a destination I may not have personally visited. Go for a google street walk. Don’t forget to note the traffic or people. 

Remind of something old or once known

I know how to fish, but sometimes I need a reminder on what bait to use and when.
Familiar places can come back to life with a return visit or a google street view visit.
I remember being in school, but times have changed. Interviewing kids or teachers can be a great asset to a fresher look on a classroom etc.

Get better description

I employ my FAB approach (See blog The FAB pencil)  Sure I know what cars look like but a specific one? Dealerships and manufactures often have detailed descriptions.
Take a car out for a test drive. 
Hire a limo for the night
Go to a similar destination or event that happens in your book. The park, the theater, a restaurant. Whatever or wherever, visit with fresh eyes, open ears and a clear nose. 
I’ve never seen a live rat up close. Maybe a trip to a pet store is in order. 

Get a better understanding

I may not know the in and outs of a particular mental illness or behavior. Books, documentaries and interviewing a psychiatrist or afflicted person can be an invaluable research tool.
I Have no idea how to fix flat tire. Sure I’ve seen it in movies… if I really needed more information its out there. You Tube, the local mechanic. 

I have no clue how to start a fire if stranded in the woods. But my one character should… 

If I don’t know, I research. I may only use a tidbit of what I learned but knowing more than necessary allows me as the writer to use that wee tidbit effectively and correctly.

I think its neat how  open people become when you say. “Hey I’m writing a novel and I have a Police officer character. Do you mind if I ask you a question?”  Not every person will be willing to sit down to a full length interview. But from asking several cops different questions I not only got my answers, but I also got alternate perspectives.

If you do plan or get an interview, be prepared. Ask questions you know will get you the information you need to write your scene. Remember I wouldn’t go on and on and on about how pepper spray is attached to the vest, nor how it’s exactly used, feels, smells, or tastes. But if I need to touch on one of those aspects to enrich a moment then it was worth it.

I’ve never had white-hot chocolate. Maybe I’d get some and FAB it. Then ask others what they think of it… What I like/dislike and why will not be the same as someone else’s reaction/opinion.  Sometimes my research is spontaneous. I see something new or interesting and I take a closer look or inspect it further. I use my instinct to alert me to potential plot fodder.

My advice about research.
Do it. Take notes. Open your eyes, listen, feel, smell and taste. Learn and try. Make it fun and even try new things. Research isn’t all books and lectures.


Related blog posts worth reading:

The FAB pencil

Details, details, details

How did that sound?

Copyright © 2017 All rights reserved


9 thoughts on “I don’t know how to do that

  1. I love doing research. Not only is it fun, but even the addition of one tiny detail can make the story feel accurate and that much more real. My best research trip was going out on a tall ship. While everyone else was drinking rum all day, I was the nerd walking around with my notebook and asking weird questions. We even shot off a cannon!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I couldn’t agree more. I’m usually surprised, although I shouldn’t be, at finding out how much I DIDN’T know about topics that I thought I did know something! You have some great suggestions. I’m glad we’ve run into each other in this ocean of bloggers. I look forward to reading more of your posts.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Awesome suggestions. I do the same, I try to limit what I’ve learned (sometimes that’s difficult if it’s an interesting subject snicker snicker) but I quickly remind myself, that’s not the purpose of the story, haha and if anyone were interested they’d most likely learn about the subject on their own time. A hint of what is available is usually all that’s required, lmao but I love that you shared this!

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s funny, I just picked up a book last night that is seriously brow beating me with the technical aspects of the main characters hobby/passion/life. I’m cool with most of it, but I’m not even two chapters in and I’ve already glazed over. I suspect I’ll be a scholar on the subject by the time the book is done.


      • Haha, I’m sure you are now! Your advice is so on target. Most of it I seem to do automatically, but there were others that I felt have made my writing so much better and having gone over what I’ve written the change and improvement is “massive” and I owe it all to you, so I seriously can’t thank you enough.

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