Capitalization Space Case – Style #2

Capitalization Space Case

I had a count of 127 errors in Style. Most of them were Unclear Antecedent’s which I covered in the last blog. If you missed a previous blog, you can click on the purple link here that is crossed out to see that blog post. I’m not sure how I can fit the word prompt in for today’s post. I don’t own a dog of any pedigree nor do I buy pedigree dog food. Oh well, I’ll just continue with today’s post about my editing and revising fun.

Within STYLE are the following issues I had in my story:

1. Unclear Antecedent .
2. Capitalization at the start of a sentence
3. Incorrect Spacing
4. Incorrect Spacing with punctuation
5. Incorrect verb form
6. Inflated Phrase
7. Wordiness
8. Nominalization

I’m going to cover three STYLE issues on this blog since they are simple and most likely typo’s. These are easy to spot and easy to fix.

Capitalization at the start of a sentence
Incorrect Spacing
Incorrect Spacing with punctuation

All the examples are real and from my new book Prophecy (Names may be changed for example purposes). I took one sentence an put all three errors in it. The error notice from Grammarly is condensed on the right and can each be expanded, which I will show before the corrections.

111aFirst is Capitalization at the start of a sentence a simple grammar rule, but easily done by a typo. All spell check programs even word processors should catch this one. Heck, even I caught them when I proofread.


Ray had to get back to work. There was an angry man  in a hardhat and safety vest was calling him .

Next is Incorrect Spacing. Another easy one to spot unless it’s at the beginning of a sentence or after punctuation. They might not show them as an error but are easily spotted by a proofread.

Ray had to get back to work. There was an angry man  in a hardhat and safety vest was calling him .

The last is Incorrect Spacing with punctuation. This will be caught if it’s before or in the middle of punctuation. Extra spaces after a period are not always caught by programs because some people still write with double spaces. Single space at the end of a sentence is industry standard.


Ray had to get back to work. There was an angry man in a hardhat and safety vest was calling him.

There the sentence is now correct. I know these are rookie mistakes and I know I make them because I’m not an accurate typer and my brain goes faster than I can type. That’s okay, it’s foolish to think I’m perfect, I don’t.

My advice about capitalization at the start of a sentence, incorrect spacing and incorrect spacing with punctuation:

Simple errors to make and simple to fix. No big deal. They are however important, if they show up in a manuscript that is submitted to a literary agent, it will very likely get your query tossed into the NO pile.


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12 thoughts on “Capitalization Space Case – Style #2

  1. I was jut reading about the spacing after sentences. Apparently it’s back in debate again because it was double space then single space and now they’re saying it should be double space again. Took so long to get used to single space! They need to make up their mind, lol.

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    • As far as I know, it’s still single space. The editor I’m working with says single space after punctuation. Either way, it’s a super quick fix using the “replace” feature in word processors. Maybe I’ll look into it further and do a post about it sometime. I just finished reformatting a manuscript that was double spaced after punctuation, took less than five minutes to get them fixed.

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  2. I love Grammarly. Unfortunately, it doesn’t (or mine doesn’t) seem to catch all my typos. A fella posted me to say he enjoyed the poem but there was no t at the end of sweet. Sure enough, I’d missed it, and Grammarly surely did! lol I’ll have to rely on me more than it, it seems! 🙂

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  3. Pingback: Incorrect Verb Form – Style #3 | I wrote a book. Now what?

  4. Pingback: That’s A Lot Of Extra Unnecessary Words – Style #4 | I wrote a book. Now what?

  5. Pingback: Nominalization – Style #5 | I wrote a book. Now what?

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